In English
Support for: Danish Friends of a Democratic Russia
Batida Theater Rentemestervej 25A, København NV, DanmarkSupporting human rights and civil society in today's Russia is almost as difficult as it would be in George Orwell's 1984. Over the past 20 years, the society has moved from a so-called managed democracy to an authoritarian regime and is now approaching a form of totalitarian fascism, where independent Read more…
DUS Aarhus: COP27
Dokk1, Lille Sal Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, Aarhus CIn less than 3 weeks the countries of the world are once again coming together for the international climate meeting COP27, this year taking place in Egypt. Here world leaders will take the temperature of the global climate challenges and discuss possible solutions to the challenges of the future. They will Read more…
Sylvie Kauffmann og Lykke Friis om fremtiden for Frankrig, Europa og USA
Dronningesalen Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, København KLe Mondes forhenværende chefredaktør Sylvie Kauffmann og Lykke Friis tager temperaturen på Frankrig, EU og international politik i lyset af den russiske invasion af Ukraine. I et forår præget både af et fransk præsidentvalg, Frankrigs EU-formandskab og ikke mindst af den russiske invasion af Ukraine præsenterer vi i samarbejde med Det Read more…
U35 Friday bar: fascism in modern Russia?
Cafe Øl og Halle Rømersgade 22, København K, DanmarkOver the last few years, President Vladimir Putin's government has carried out an increasingly relentless crackdown on dissent at home that has seen most independent media shut down or exiled, opposition political movements declared "extremist," and tens of thousands of Russians fleeing the country from fear of prosecution and general Read more…
Besøg i Den Pakistanske Ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan Valeursvej 17, HellerupU35 inviterer til besøg hos Den Pakistanske Ambassade. Mødet handler om Pakistans rolle i verden lige nu. Og du kan komme med! Placeringen mellem Iran, Afghanistan, Kina og Indien gør, at Pakistans politiske adfærd altid bliver fulgt tæt i verden. Det gælder også Danmark. Siden Taliban kom til magten Read more…
What is happening in Japan?
io いほ Blågårdsgade 15, København NDid you know that Japan got a new prime minister, Fumio Kishida, a little over a month ago? And that a general election took place in Japan on the 31st of October? We invite you to enjoy delicious traditional tea by io いほ - teahouse while learning learn more about Japan Read more…
Embassy of The Philippines Arne Jacobsens Alle 13, 1. etage, København S, DanmarkI år er det 75-år siden, at Danmark og Filippinerne etablerede deres diplomatiske relation. Det skal selvfølgelig fejres! Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab er inviteret til besøg hos Den Filippinske Ambassade. Tag en ven med under armen og være med når vi lærer mere om Filippinerne og deres rolle i verden. Næste Read more…
Jubilæumskonference: The World Anno 2021
FN Byen Marmorvej 51, København Ø, DanmarkIn celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Danish Foreign Policy Society we are holding a conference with speakers from our sister organizations and other foreign policy organizations in Europe and the US in cooperation with the UNDP. A conference on the world in 2021 post corona, post Trump and Read more…
Where is Russian politics headed?
Online på ZoomRussian politics have seldom been bland, but within recent years Putin's government has further extended its power, cracking down on opposition of any sort. At the same time, trust is low not just towards the government in Moscow, but within politics and politicians in general. With an increasingly challenging global attitude towards Read more…
Voices from Russia: In memory of Per Carlsen
Online på ZoomThe Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and The Danish Foreign Policy Society are pleased to announce a webinar in memory of Ambassador Per Carlsen, former Director of DIIS, who sadly passed away in December 2020. This webinar will bring together prominent voices from Russia: Dmitri Trenin, Lilia Shevtsova and Andrey Kortunov.