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Human Rights Diplomacy: Navigating an Era of Polarization

The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Nordskov Room Wilders Plads 8K, Copenhagen K

The Danish Foreign Policy Society and The Danish Institute for Human Rights hereby invite to a research and policy seminar on the current state of human rights diplomacy. We are pleased to host a delegation from Chatham House, a renowned London-based foreign policy think tank. They have recently published an Read more…

Japan & southeast Asia

Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Danmark

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the third lecture in our lecture series on Japan in the current world order taking place in the Spring and Fall of 2023 in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School and Sasakawa Peace Foundation. Japan maintains important links to Southeast Asia. In fact, Read more…

Webinar – Belarus: An occupied country?

Online on Zoom

During the last weekend of March 2023, the world was shaken by Russia's announcement of deploying its nuclear arsenal in Belarus. The country is now viewed merely as an extension of Russia's Western military district and official Minsk authorities - as a puppet regime. Meanwhile, inside Belarus, partisans claimed responsibility Read more…

Unheard Voice of Crimea

"Fællessalen", Christiansborg, The Danish Parliament Prins Jørgens Gård 1, København, Danmark

The end of March marks the 9th anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the actual beginning of Russian military aggression against Ukraine lasting until this very moment. While Crimea has an utmost ideological, geopolitical and military significance in the current situation, this topic, especially Read more…

Japan in the World Order: Japan and USA

Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Danmark

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the second lecture in our series on Japan in the current world order taking place in the Spring and Fall of 2023. This lecture features Dr. Mike Mochizuki, Professor at George Washington University, as the main speaker. He will focus Read more…

Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller: The Global Implications of Russia’s War in Ukraine

University of Copenhagen, CSS, aud. 35.01.06 (access from Gammeltoftsgade) , Danmark

Russia's war against Ukraine is proving to be a catalyst for a reorientation of the European and international security order as well as European energy policy. Beyond Europe, there have also been repercussions for the global balance of power, China’s role in the world, food security and the status of Read more…

The Western Balkans and the EU: Challenges and Opportunities

Fællessalen Christiansborg, Copenhagen K, Danmark

In cooperation with the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG), the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and three key Danish political parties, the Social Democrats, the Liberal Party, and the Green Left, jointly invite to a debate about the recent developments and the present challenges in the relationship Read more…

The Presidential Elections in the Czech Republic

Online på Zoom

Who will be the next president of the Czech Republic, and will it have consequences for cooperation within the EU? As the first president of the Czech Republic from 1993-2003, Václav Havel - the playwright, philosopher, and former dissident - personified both the hope and optimism of transition from the Read more…

Copenhagen conference on Western-Russian Relations 2.0

Johan Borups Højskole Frederiksholms Kanal 24, København, Danmark

On 26 November the Danish Foreign Policy Society U35 invites distinguished speakers and guests to discuss the future of Western-Russian Relations at a whole-day event at Johan Borups Højskole. The event will include prominent international speakers such as: Arkady Moshes (Finnish Institute of International Affairs) Matilde Kimer (Journalist) luliia Osmolovska Read more…


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