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Copenhagen conference on Western-Russian Relations 2.0

26. november 2022 kl. 9.00 - 17.00 CET

On 26 November the Danish Foreign Policy Society U35 invites distinguished speakers and guests to discuss the future of Western-Russian Relations at a whole-day event at Johan Borups Højskole.

The event will include prominent international speakers such as:

  • Arkady Moshes (Finnish Institute of International Affairs)
  • Matilde Kimer (Journalist)
  • luliia Osmolovska (Eastern European Security Institute)
  • Mikhail Polianskii (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)
  • Sergey Utkin (Center for War Studies)
  • Lyubov Sobol (Team Navalny)

With this conference we wish to give the floor to critical Russian voices as well as voices from Ukraine and the European neighbourhood states. In light of the recent war and geopolitical insecurities, our vision is to bring together people from the Russian opposition in addition to experts, high ranking civil servants, and audiences from the international community to discuss whether Russia has a democratic future and whether this is contingent upon a future relationship between Russia and the West. The goal is to develop an understanding of the current situation and explore concrete solutions through fact-based debates on key issues that will determine the future of Western-Russian relations.

The conference consists of two keynote speeches and four panels. The topics for the panels will be:
1) Russia and the Crisis of Critical Voices
2) Fighting for the Future of the EU Neighbourhood
3) The Politics of Sanctions and Energy Security
4) How to build a Post-Putin World Order 

Register now to secure your spot! Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and drinks will be served at the event. If you register for the live streaming, you will receive an email with the link a few days before the event. 

Read more about the conference here.

NB: As there are a limited number of seats available, your registration will be binding. If you are unable to attend, cancellation must be made before Wednesday 23 November at 2pm, otherwise a no-show fee of DKK 100 will be collected. You can write to for cancellations.

The event is co-hosted with International Debat.


26. november 2022
9.00 - 17.00 CET
Begivenhed Kategorier:
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Johan Borups Højskole
Frederiksholms Kanal 24
København, 1220 Danmark
+ Google Maps


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