In English
Conference: Revisiting Human Rights in a Changing World
Nordatlantens Brygge Strandgade 91, København, DanmarkThe Danish Foreign Policy Society and The University of Southern Denmark hereby have the pleasure to invite you to an international conference marking 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 75 years of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: What Read more…
Georgia on the Path to the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities
Fællessalen Christiansborg, Copenhagen K, DanmarkGeorgia, in recognition of its successful reforms over the last decades was granted a long awaited EU candidate status in December 2023. The support of the Georgian population for the country's desired EU membership is higher than in any EU member state or candidate country – it amounts to 90%. Read more…
Two Years of Russia’s War of Aggression: Being Neighbor to Russia
Ukraine House in Denmark Strandgade 27B, København K, DanmarkThere are some dates that will go down in history forever: February 24th 2022, the date of Russia's invasion of Ukraine marked an end to peace between Russia and Europe. This date also marked the return of fascism in Europe in the form of Russian nationalism. However, February 24th 2022 Read more…
U35: Besøg på den schweiziske ambassade
Den schweiziske ambassadør åbner eksklusivt dørene til sin residens og byder medlemmer af U35 indenfor til et arrangement om Schweiz’ diplomatiske aktiviteter i Danmark. Vi vil blandt andet vende teknologi, bæredygtighed, forsvar og multilateralisme. Efter et oplæg byder ambassaden på et glas bobler. Udover U35 har ambassaden inviteret en række Read more…
What Kind of World Does China Want? – China’s Role in the Middle East
Asia House Indiakaj 16, København ØAmidst the recent cooling of relations between the United States and China, China has actively sought to position itself as a leader advocating for an emerging, alternative multilateral order and as a responsible global power. The Middle East has become a pivotal arena for China to showcase its diplomatic prowess Read more…
Arctic Perspectives: 2024 Outlook & Trends
Nordatlantens Brygge Strandgade 91, København, DanmarkWe are pleased to extend to you an official invitation to Arctic Perspectives: 2024 Outlook & Trends, the inaugural session of the Arctic Perspectives discussion series, a collaboration between the Danish Foreign Policy Society and the Embassy of Canada to the Kingdom of Denmark. This session marks the first of Read more…
The End of the Russian Idea with Andrei Kolesnikov
Festsal, Storbycenter Bethesda Rømersgade 17, København K, DanmarkOn the 24th of February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, and a full-blown war began. To this day, there is no peace, and sadly, there is no prospect of peace. More than a year later, the question remains: How much longer can Putin keep this going? Putin has much to lose Read more…
Leadership on the global challenges facing the world today
Biografen, National Museum Ny Vestergade 10, København K, DanmarkThe international system, international organizations, and the rule and values-based world order have survived in spite of historical earthquakes and changes. In addition to the threat to Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty, Russia's war in Ukraine is also a war against the rules-based world order. We are also witnessing in this Read more…
Belarus Does Not Exist
Sønder Campus Room 15a.0.13. Njalsgade 80, København S, DanmarkBelarus Research Network for Neighbourhood Policy is organising a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the current security situation in the Baltic Sea Region and its implications for Nordic-Baltics states. Six scholars in the field of social sciences and humanities will share their views on the past, present and future relations Read more…
Polen og Tyskland og den fremtidige europæiske sikkerhedsarkitektur
CSS 35.01.06 Gammeltoftsgade 13, CSS 35.01.06, København K, DanmarkDet Udenrigspolitiske Selskab har fornøjelsen af at indbyde til et møde med tidligere ambassadør Rolf Nikel, næstformand i Det Tyske Udenrigspolitiske Selskab (DGAP). Rolf Nikel er tidligere tysk ambassadør i Warszawa og har skrevet en meget rost bog om forholdet mellem Polen og Tyskland: Feinde, Fremde Freunde – Polen und Read more…