In English
CANCELLED: The Challenge from China w. Sarah Kirchberger
Auditorium 35.01.44, CSS, University of Copenhagen Gammeltoftsgade 13, København KWe are delighted to invite you to our upcoming event featuring Dr. Sarah Kirchberger as the keynote speaker. Sarah Kirchberger is one of the few European specialists in China's security policy. Serving as the Head of Asia-Pacific Strategy and Security at the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK), Read more…
U35: Besøg på den amerikanske ambassade
I samarbejde med den amerikanske ambassade og International Debat er du inviteret til et arrangement med oplægsholder Dr. Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, som er ekspert i valgprocesser i USA. Hun var den første afroamerikanske kvinde, der blev valgt som formand for organisationen The League of Women Voters, og er nu professionelt bestyrelsesmedlem Read more…
Reading Russia Right
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkAfter more than two and a half years in Ukraine, it is time to take stock. Russia's all-out war against Ukraine has so far been marked by Russian failures and massive military losses. In particular, the Russian army has proved far less reformed and professionalised than most Western analysts and Read more…
U35: Nato fylder 75 år
Ungdommens demokratihus Slagtehusgade 10A, København VI samarbejde med den amerikanske ambassades ungeråd afholder vi en panelsamtale med Sten Ryning, Michael Zilmer-Johns og en amerikansk diplomat i anledning af at NATO fylder 75. Der vil være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål. Læs mere i nedenstående: 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the NATO alliance. Since its Read more…
Europe as a Peacemaking Power – Ralf Stegner, Member of the German Bundestag for SPD
Log indEuropean integration has been driven by the quest for peace. The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks a turning point. With the war raging at EU borders and the threat from Russia and the increasing competition with China, the answer to everything seems to be militarization. Can the EU maintain its Read more…
U35: Danmark i Sikkerhedsrådet
Udenrigsministeriet Asiatisk Plads 1, København, DanmarkKom med, når vi besøger Udenrigsministeriet sammen med UNYA for at blive klogere på Danmarks kandidatur til Sikkerhedsrådet 2025-2027. Vi møder særlig repræsentant Holger K. Nielsen og Louise Riis Andersen, fagligt fyrtårn og chefrådgiver i kontor for multilateralt samarbejde. Du er meget velkommen, uanset om du selv er FN ekspert, Read more…
Chinese Politics Under Xi Jinping with Professor Akio Takahara
Room K43 CBS, Kilen, 2000 Frederiksberg Kilen, Frederiksberg, DanmarkUnder Xi Jinping, Chinese politics has become more authoritarian and centralized around one person. Xi Jinping has abolished many of the policies introduced by Deng Xiaoping, including term-limits and age criteria for holding leading positions. He has also abolished Deng’s policy of the separation of Party and government resulting in Read more…
Belarusian National Leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on Courage, Forced Exile, and the Fight for Democracy We Must Not Forget
Egmont Vognmagergade 11, København KMeet Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the Belarusian housewife who was catapulted into national and international fame as the symbol of democracy and strong female leadership during the 2020 elections and unprecedented popular uprising. When her husband, Siarhei Tsikhanouski, was unjustly imprisoned during his presidential campaign, she stepped forward in his place. Independent Read more…
India 2024 – The World’s Largest Election
Southern Campus, Room 10.3.28 Karen Blixens Pl. 8, København, DanmarkFrom April 19 to June 1, 2024, India will conduct the largest election in its history. From the Himalayas in the north to the Andaman Islands in the south, 969 million people will cast their votes for a representative in the lower house of the national parliament, the Lok Sabha. Read more…
Arctic Perspectives II: The Arctic Peoples: rights and reconciliation
Nordatlantens Brygge Strandgade 91, København, DanmarkWe are pleased to extend to you an official invitation to ‘The Arctic Peoples: rights and reconciliation’, the second event in the Arctic Perspectives discussion series, a collaboration between the Danish Foreign Policy Society and the Embassy of Canada to the Kingdom of Denmark. This session aims to facilitate a Read more…