Voices from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: In memory of Per Carlsen

Online på Zoom

The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and the Danish Foreign Policy Society is pleased to announce a webinar in memory of Ambassador Per Carlsen, former Director of DIIS, who sadly passed away in December 2020. This webinar will bring together prominent voices from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – and Denmark: Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Marina Kaljurand, Vygaudas Ušackas, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Andris Sprūds.

Live stream: Opposition figures Valery and Veronica Tsepkalo on The Belarusian Presidential Election 2020

Pressen, Politikens Hus Vestervoldgade 33, København V, Danmark

On the 9th of August 2020 the race of the Belarusian presidential election came to its end with what appears to be a landslide victory to the current president, Alexander Lukashenko, and a surprising loss to the popular opponent Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. Join us for a talk with Veronica and Valery Tsepkalo, two of the main opposition figures, on the Belarusian Presidential Election 2020.

US Foreign Policy: A conversation with U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands

Online på Zoom

U.S. foreign policy is changing in these years under the slogan of “America First”. But what does that mean? What has led to such a change? U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands will join in a conversation with Philip Chr. Ulrich.

Putin in times of pandemic

Online på Zoom

Online event about the pressure of the pandemic on president Putin's regime with political commentator Konstantin Eggert.

CANCELLED: Foreign Policy Café: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Litteraturhuset Nybrogade 28, København K, Danmark

Our first Foreign Policy Café will be an informal discussion on Franklin D. Roosevelt, the longest incumbent US president and with an impressive political track record. Experts David Woolner and Niels Bjerre-Poulsen will lead the discussion.

SEMINAR: EU’s budget for the future (In English)

Europahuset Gothersgade 155, København K, Danmark

By the end of the year, the EU will have settled an agreement for the EU's multiannual budget for the future (2021-2027). How important is the investment perspective of EU's budget for the future for the member states, for EU cohesion and for the green agenda?

Stephen Walt: “Why Is It Useful to Think Like a Realist?”

Søauditorierne ved Aarhus Universitet Bartholins Allé 3, Aarhus

Institut for Statskundskab vil i samarbejde med GloPol og Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab Aarhus inviterer til et enestående foredrag med Harvard-professoren Stephen Walt den 8. november.

Russia in the Arctic

Auditorium 35.01.05, CSS, University of Copenhagen Gammeltoftgade 13, København K, Danmark

The Arctic region has become an important strategic area to several countries in regards to both security and foreign policy, and Russia has as other Arctic countries strong interests in asserting its position in the region.


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