Seminar: The role of Belarus in the Ukraine war

Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, Danmark

Belarus Research Network on Neighborhood Policy, in cooperation with The Danish Society for Military Science, is pleased to invite you to a seminar on the role of Belarus in Russia’s war in Ukraine. As Belarus has allowed Russian missile launchers to be stationed on its territory and shoot at Ukrainian Read more…

Reading Russia Right

Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, Danmark

After more than two and a half years in Ukraine, it is time to take stock. Russia's all-out war against Ukraine has so far been marked by Russian failures and massive military losses. In particular, the Russian army has proved far less reformed and professionalised than most Western analysts and Read more…

The War in Ukraine and Russia

Online on Zoom

While much of the world's attention has been focused on the United States over the summer, the war between Russia and Ukraine continues unabated. In early August, the Ukrainians launched a daring incursion into the Russian frontier regions Kursk and Belgorod, while Russian forces continue to occupy more and more Read more…

Fra kulde til konflikt: Grønland og Arktis som geopolitisk hotspot

Remisen Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Aarhus

Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab Aarhus og Århundredets Festival inviterer til en aften, hvor vi vil udforske den stigende kompleksitet og interesse omkring Arktis og Grønland. Disse er gået fra at være lavspændingsområder til at være centrum for international opmærksomhed, hvor flere aktører, herunder Rusland, USA, Kina og Danmark, spiller en stor Read more…

Two Years of Russia’s War of Aggression: Being Neighbor to Russia

Ukraine House in Denmark Strandgade 27B, København K, Danmark

There are some dates that will go down in history forever: February 24th 2022, the date of Russia's invasion of Ukraine marked an end to peace between Russia and Europe. This date also marked the return of fascism in Europe in the form of Russian nationalism. However, February 24th 2022 Read more…

The End of the Russian Idea with Andrei Kolesnikov

Festsal, Storbycenter Bethesda Rømersgade 17, København K, Danmark

On the 24th of February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, and a full-blown war began. To this day, there is no peace, and sadly, there is no prospect of peace. More than a year later, the question remains: How much longer can Putin keep this going? Putin has much to lose Read more…

Verdenssituationen over middagsbordet

Stiften Lounge i FO-byen Frederiksgade 78B, Aarhus C

Kunne du tænke dig at være fluen på væggen, når en række eksperter diskuterer verdenssituationen over middagsbordet? Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab Aarhus inviterer til en spændende aften, hvor nogle af tidens store udenrigspolitiske emner bliver diskuteret, herunder Ukraine-krigen, politisk polarisering, verdensordenen, overvågningsteknologi og den grønne udvikling. Aftenens arrangement har et geografisk fokus Read more…

Copenhagen conference on Western-Russian Relations 2.0

Johan Borups Højskole Frederiksholms Kanal 24, København, Danmark

On 26 November the Danish Foreign Policy Society U35 invites distinguished speakers and guests to discuss the future of Western-Russian Relations at a whole-day event at Johan Borups Højskole. The event will include prominent international speakers such as: Arkady Moshes (Finnish Institute of International Affairs) Matilde Kimer (Journalist) luliia Osmolovska Read more…

Support for: Danish Friends of a Democratic Russia

Batida Theater Rentemestervej 25A, København NV, Danmark

Supporting human rights and civil society in today's Russia is almost as difficult as it would be in George Orwell's 1984. Over the past 20 years, the society has moved from a so-called managed democracy to an authoritarian regime and is now approaching a form of totalitarian fascism, where independent Read more…


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