In English
The Ambassador of the United States to Denmark, Carla Sands, on Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century
Auditorium 35.01.05, CSS, University of Copenhagen Gammeltoftgade 13, København K, DanmarkThe Danish Foreign Policy Society and its youth branch DUS-U35 are pleased to welcome the Ambassador of the United States to Denmark Ms. Carla Sands to speak about how she sees her role as ambassador to Denmark and the importance of public diplomacy in today’s world.
Robert F. Kennedy: The Courage Of Vision
Chr. Hansen Auditoriet, City Campus Bartholinsgade 4A, København K, DanmarkI samarbejde med, Kennedy Klubben og International Debat inviterer vi til til Bobby Kennedy konference på Københavns Universitet.
John J. Mearsheimer: American International Relations Theory
Auditorium 35.01.05, CSS, University of Copenhagen Gammeltoftgade 13, København K, DanmarkJoin us for an interesting talk about the influence of American International Relations Theory at home and abroad when Professor John J. Mearsheimer visits the University of Copenhagen. The debate is moderated by Professor Ole Wæver.
Structural Policies, Adjustment, and Growth in Europe
Auditorium 35.01.06, CSS, University of Copenhagen Gammeltoftsgade 13, København K, DanmarkIn collaboration with the Danish Economic Society, we invite you to attend a presentation on economic policies and growth in the EU. The presentation is given by Klaus Masuch, Principal Adviser to the DG Economics of the ECB.
Edward Nalbandian: Foreign Policy Aims of Armenia
Marriott Hotel Kalvebod Brygge 5, København, DanmarkThe Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, will provide a presentation of the foreign policy aims of Armenia. The presentation is moderated by the Director of the Foreign Policy Society, Charlotte Flindt Pedersen.
Nemtsov: Filmfremvisning og diskussion
Cinemateket Gothersgade 55, København K, DanmarkVi viser en spændende dokumentarfilm om den likviderede leder af den russiske opposition, Boris Nemtsov. Efterfølgende er der lagt op til diskussion med instruktøren, Vladimir Kara-Murza.
Ivan Krastev
Dronningesalen Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, København KPolitologen Ivan Krastev besøger Det Kongelige Bibliotek for at diskutere EU's fremtid. Lykke Friis interviewer.
Business & Human Rights Symposium
Danske Rederier Amaliegade 33, København KAfter 7 years, it is time to take a look on what change the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have brought about.
French-German star event: What can Merkel and Macron agree upon?
Industriens Hus H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18, København V, DanmarkA German-French summit on the future of European cooperation Sylvie Kauffmann, the editorial director and a former editor in chief of Le Monde, and Stefan Kornelius, international section head at Süddeutsche Zeitung will give their assessments of where the European Union is heading after the French and German elections. Read more…
Counterterrorism, Rules of Engagement and International Order in a UN context
Svanemøllen Barracks Ryvangs Alle 1, København Ø, DanmarkA conference offering unique insights into Chinese and Danish views on counterterrorist operations, rules of engagement and international order, and to what extent the UN will provide a platform for common action in the future.