The Western Balkans on their path to the EU

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What is the status of the enlargement process in the Western Balkans? What are the implications of an increased number of members for the EU’s internal cohesion and foreign policy?
We have gathered experts and politicians from both Denmark and the Western Balkans to discuss the matter.

Live webinar: CPH Conference on Western-Russian Relations

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Together with International Debate and other collaborating partners we invite anyone who wishes to understand the conflict between the West and Russia to attend this conference. The conference aims at exposing fundamental disagreements and promoting mutual understanding between the West and Russia by inviting a wide spectrum of speakers and participants from both Read more…

India’s Foreign Policy: Current and emerging trends

Asia House Indiakaj 16, København Ø

As the global power center moves East, which roles does India take? The Danish Foreign Policy Society is honoured to present the Indian Ambassador to Denmark, H.E. Mr. Aijt Gupte, to a talk about the current and emerging trends in Indian foreign policy.

U35 Karrieresnak: Udviklingsarbejde

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Til andet virtuelle møde i U35-serien 'Karrieresnak' er tidligere FN-top og udviklingsminister Christian Friis Bach klar til at svare på spørgsmål om arbejdet i udviklingsbranchen. Hvordan får man job i FN? Hvilke etiske udfordringer står man foran, når man træffer beslutninger? Kan man tage familien med, når man flytter til Geneve eller New York for at forfølge drømmejobbet?

Etiopien på randen af borgerkrig?

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Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab U35 sætter fokus på konflikten i Etiopien. Er landet på vej mod en ny borgerkrig?

Sundhed, menneskerettigheder og udenrigspolitik i en tid med COVID-19

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COVID-19 pandemien viser, at der er stor sammenhæng mellem global sundhedspolitik, udenrigspolitik og menneskerettigheder. Internationalt sundhedssamarbejde er nøglen til at bekæmpe en pandemi, men hvordan? Søren Brostrøm, Rikke Nagel og Steven L. B. Jensen vil diskutere emnet.

!AFLYST! U35: Revolution in Thailand

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The pandemic has not kept the young people in Thailand from demonstrating. Massive protests against the Thai monarchy have been going on since February. Meet two pro-democracy activists in a closed virtual meeting!

U35 Karrieresnak: Journalistik

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Årets første U35-webinar er endnu et i serien Karrieresnak. Denne gang kan du få en snak med den anerkendte og erfarne journalist Martin Breum, som vil besvare spørgsmål om en karriere som journalist. Hvad kræver det at være en god journalist? Hvordan påvirker korte deadlines ens familieliv? Hvornår giver det mening at blive selvstændig journalist? 

Voices from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: In memory of Per Carlsen

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The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and the Danish Foreign Policy Society is pleased to announce a webinar in memory of Ambassador Per Carlsen, former Director of DIIS, who sadly passed away in December 2020. This webinar will bring together prominent voices from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – and Denmark: Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Marina Kaljurand, Vygaudas Ušackas, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Andris Sprūds.