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The Western Balkans on their path to the EU

19. november 2020 kl. 10.00 - 14.00 CET

Challenges and Opportunities for the European Integration of the Western Balkans.

In collaboration with The Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group and European Fund for the Balkans, the Danish Foreign Policy Society is giving a half day conference about the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans. Through debates with panelists consisting of Danish politicians, experts and representatives from the EU and European think tanks, we seek to answer the following questions:

What is the status of the enlargement process in the Western Balkans? What are the implications of an increased number of members for the EU’s internal cohesion and foreign policy? How can the EU ensure the protection of rule of law in the EU and among the countries of the Western Balkans? And has the EU’s policy had the desired effect in the (potential) accession countries, or are more efforts needed to enhance their democratic development?

Join us on Zoom to hear the perspectives of Nikola Dimitrov, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Republic of North Macedonia, Tena Prelec from University of Oxford, Florian Bieber from Centre for Southeast European Studies, Christian Axboe Nielsen from Aarhus University, and politicians Katarina Ammitzbøll (K), Michael Aastrup Jensen (V), Morten Messerschmidt (DF) – just to mention a few.

>>Sign up for the conference here<<

See the full programme:

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”The Western Balkans on their path to the EU”]


19. november 2020
10.00 - 14.00 CET
Begivenhed Kategori:


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