Webinar: Japan efter Abe

Online på Zoom

Det store valgår ruller videre, når japanerne går til valg den 27. oktober oven på et dramatiske par år i japansk politik. Den 8. juli 2022 blev Japans længst siddende premierminister, Abe Shinzo, dræbt med et hjemmelavet haglgevær under et kampagnemøde. Selvom Abe allerede var trådt tilbage som premierminister, forblev Read more…

Chinese Politics Under Xi Jinping with Professor Akio Takahara

Room K43 CBS, Kilen, 2000 Frederiksberg Kilen, Frederiksberg, Danmark

Under Xi Jinping, Chinese politics has become more authoritarian and centralized around one person. Xi Jinping has abolished many of the policies introduced by Deng Xiaoping, including term-limits and age criteria for holding leading positions. He has also abolished Deng’s policy of the separation of Party and government resulting in Read more…

Japan and EU in Times of Changing Geoeconomics

Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Danmark

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the fourth lecture in our series on Japan in the current world order taking place in the Spring and Fall of 2023 in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School and Sasakawa Peace Foundation. This lecture features Professor Patrik Ström, Director of the European Institute of Japanese Read more…

Japan & southeast Asia

Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Danmark

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the third lecture in our lecture series on Japan in the current world order taking place in the Spring and Fall of 2023 in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School and Sasakawa Peace Foundation. Japan maintains important links to Southeast Asia. In fact, Read more…

Japan in the World Order: Japan and USA

Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Danmark

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the second lecture in our series on Japan in the current world order taking place in the Spring and Fall of 2023. This lecture features Dr. Mike Mochizuki, Professor at George Washington University, as the main speaker. He will focus Read more…

Japan in the new world order: The relationship with China w. Professor Ryosei Kokubun

Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Danmark

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to attend our lecture series on Japan in the current world order taking place in the Spring and Fall of 2023 in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School and Sasakawa Peace Foundation. The first lecture in the series will discuss Japan’s evolving and Read more…

What is happening in Japan?

io いほ Blågårdsgade 15, København N

Did you know that Japan got a new prime minister, Fumio Kishida, a little over a month ago? And that a general election took place in Japan on the 31st of October?    We invite you to enjoy delicious traditional tea by io いほ - teahouse while learning learn more about Japan Read more…

AFLYST: Tag med U35 på studietur til Tokyo

Tokyo Tokyo,, Japan

31. maj til 6. juni er vores ungdomsafdeling i Japan. Japan-ekspert, journalisten Asger Røjle Christensen, er rejseleder, og vil føre os igennem bl.a. japansk sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik, økonomiske og demografiske udfordringer og selvfølgelig optakten til OL 2020.


Besøg den japanske ambassadør med DUS U35

Japans ambassadørs residens Søholm Park 5, Hellerup

DUS U35 inviterer en lille gruppe medlemmer med hjem til den japanske ambassadør i Danmark, Toshiro Suzuki, til en snak om det japansk-danske samarbejde, Japans rolle i verden lige nu, livet som ambassadør og meget mere. Det finder sted den 23. april kl. 16-18. Og du kan komme med!

Den liberale verdensorden set fra Japan

Store Sal, Vartov Farvergade 27, København K

Placeret midt i et spændingsfelt af stridigheder, der byder på alt fra suverænitetsstridigheder om Senkaku/Diaoyu-øerne til konkurrence om regional stormagtsstatus og håndteringen af et uforudsigeligt nordkoreansk regime, har Japan sit at holde styr på. Hvordan ser Japan selv på landets geopolitiske placering, og hvordan forholder Japan sig til den liberale verdensorden? Ser analysen anderledes ud fra Japans synsvinkel - hvilke trusler og muligheder ser Japan i den nuværende geopolitiske situation?   


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