Forsvarsakademiet Building 118
Seminar: The role of Belarus in the Ukraine war
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkBelarus Research Network on Neighborhood Policy, in cooperation with The Danish Society for Military Science, is pleased to invite you to a seminar on the role of Belarus in Russia’s war in Ukraine. As Belarus has allowed Russian missile launchers to be stationed on its territory and shoot at Ukrainian Read more…
Reading Russia Right
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkAfter more than two and a half years in Ukraine, it is time to take stock. Russia's all-out war against Ukraine has so far been marked by Russian failures and massive military losses. In particular, the Russian army has proved far less reformed and professionalised than most Western analysts and Read more…
Ukrainekrise – fastfrosset storpolitik, mulig invasion og en vaklende geopolitisk orden
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkVi står i den alvorligste krise mellem Rusland, USA og NATO siden Den Kolde Krigs ophør. Rusland præsenterede USA og NATO for meget vidtrækkende aftalekrav 17. december 2021. Samtidig spidser konflikten mellem Rusland og Ukraine til. Kompleksiteten i konfliktens baggrund og historie, aktørernes bevæggrunde og motiver samt perspektiver for fremtiden Read more…
Krisen i Afghanistan
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkEn menneskeflok forsøger at stoppe et militærfly i lufthavnen, i byen bliver alle reklamer med kvindeansigter malet over, og på gaderne går en ny politistyrke rundt for at fange såkaldte forrædere. I disse dage udspiller der sig en menneskelig tragedie i Afghanistan. Situationen er især uvis for de afghanere, Read more…
CANCELLED: Walter Slocombe: US Foreign and Security Policy – issues for the American Election and after
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkWalter Slocombe, the Director of Atlantic Council and the former Under Secretary of Defence for Policy (1994-2001), will talk about the US Security Policy, NATO's future role and the possibilities of arms control, as well as the relations to China, Iran and the American engagement.
Four ambassadors about security in the Black Sea Region (in English)
Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø, DanmarkOver the past years, the region has gained more interest from Denmark, which will most likely continue in the near future. Most attention, information, media coverage, and research is focused on the security situation in Ukraine, while the regional dimension often is neglected.