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Four ambassadors about security in the Black Sea Region (in English)

4. september 2019 kl. 14.00 - 16.00 CEST

Over the past years, the Black Sea region has gained more interest from Denmark, and this will most likely continue in the near future. The majority of the general attention, information, media coverage, and research is focused on the security situation in Ukraine, while the regional dimension often is neglected. With the support of the embassies of Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey and Romania to Denmark, this seminar seeks to focus on exactly the different perspectives on security in the Black Sea. This will hopefully as a prelude to an interesting discussion on security developments and emerging conventional as well as hybrid challenges in the Black SeaRegion.

The Society of War Studies, the Danish Foreign Policy Society & the Royal Danish Defence College (RDCC) will host a small seminar on September 4th at RDDC on security politics in the Black Sea by bringing in perspectives from the states in the region.

Speakers at the seminar will be:

Ambassador of Georgia to Denmark, H.E. Gigi Gigiadze 
Ambassador of Ukraine to Denmark, H.E. Mykhailo Vydoinyk,
Ambassador of Turkey to Denmark, H.E. Uğur Kenan İpek, and
Ambassador of Romania to Denmark, H.E. Alexandru Grădinar.

The event will be in English. 

Please use the form below to register for the event. 

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4. september 2019
14.00 - 16.00 CEST
Begivenhed Kategori:


Forsvarsakademiet Building 118
Ryvangs Allé 1
København Ø, 2100 Danmark
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