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The Ambassador of the United States to Denmark, Carla Sands, on Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century

6. september 2018 kl. 16.30 - 17.30 CEST

Diplomacy in a traditionalist view is depicted as an art where the roles and responsibilities of actors in international relations are clearly delineated. This picture no longer resembles the much more fuzzy world of postmodern transnational relations. The interlocutors of today’s Foreign Service officers are not necessarily their counterparts, but a wide variety of people, companies and organisations, educational and cultural institutions, that are either involved in diplomatic activity or are at the receiving end of international politics.

Prior to her appointment, Ambassador Sands had a diverse career in the entrepreneurial, investment, and philanthropic sectors, with a focus on community service and education. As Chairman of Vintage Capital Group, LLC, she also served on President Trump’s Transition Finance Committee and Economic Advisory Council in 2016, and was the California Delegate for the 33rd Congressional District to the 2016 Republican National Convention. A strong supporter of arts and education, Ambassador Sands has served on the boards of Pepperdine University, the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Arts, the California Cultural and Historical Endowment, the Library Foundation of Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles Philharmonic, among others. She was also the President and Chairman of the Blue Ribbon, an organization that supports the Los Angeles Music Center and produces the Children’s Festival each spring.

Ambassador Carla Sands was confirmed by the United States Senate to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark on November 2, 2017. And formally assumed the office on December 15, 2017.

The Danish Foreign Policy Society and its youth branch DUS-U35 are pleased to welcome the Ambassador of the United States to Denmark Ms. Carla Sands to speak about how she sees her role as ambassador to Denmark and the importance of public diplomacy in today’s world.

  • Opening remarks by director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Charlotte Flindt Pedersen

  • Presentation by Ambassador Carla Sands

  • Moderation and Q&A by board members of the youth branch of the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Lukas Lausen and Emilie Dahl.

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6. september 2018
16.30 - 17.30 CEST
Begivenhed Kategorier:


Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab
U.S. Embassy in Denmark


Auditorium 35.01.05, CSS, University of Copenhagen
Gammeltoftgade 13
København K, 1355 Danmark
+ Google Maps


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