Eastern Europe
Seneste afsluttede Begivenheder
The Presidential Elections in the Czech Republic
Online på ZoomWho will be the next president of the Czech Republic, and will it have consequences for cooperation within the EU? As the first president of the Czech Republic from 1993-2003, Václav Havel - the playwright, philosopher, and former dissident - personified both the hope and optimism of transition from the Read more…
Copenhagen conference on Western-Russian Relations 2.0
Johan Borups Højskole Frederiksholms Kanal 24, KøbenhavnOn 26 November the Danish Foreign Policy Society U35 invites distinguished speakers and guests to discuss the future of Western-Russian Relations at a whole-day event at Johan Borups Højskole. The event will include prominent international speakers such as: Arkady Moshes (Finnish Institute of International Affairs) Matilde Kimer (Journalist) luliia Osmolovska Read more…
Den russiske erindring
Den Sorte Diamant, Blixen Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, København KSergej Lebedev er en af nutidens mest interessante russiske forfattere. Hans bøger er oversat til 17 sprog, og siden 2010 har han udgivet fem romaner med temaer som den sovjetiske skjulte fortid, virkningen af Stalins undertrykkelse og fortidens konsekvenser i det moderne russiske liv. New York Review of Books har Read more…