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Georgia on the Path to the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities

28. februar 2024 kl. 13.00 - 17.00 CET

Georgia, in recognition of its successful reforms over the last decades was granted a long awaited  EU candidate status in December 2023. 

The support of the Georgian population for the country’s desired EU membership is higher than in any EU member state or candidate country – it amounts to 90%. However, the existing domestic political tensions and disagreement between the Government and part of the opposition parties often has a negative impact on the country’s declared pro-European stance. 

This conference, held in cooperation with The Danish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, will shed more light on this situation and discuss the political future in Georgia.

The language of the conference will be English. Coffee/tea and cake will be served.


Moderator: Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, Director, The Danish Foreing Policy Society.

13:00-13:05 Asbjørn Storgaard, Chairman of the Danish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights: Welcome on behalf of the Danish Helsinki Committee for Human Rigths.

13:05-13-10 Jens-Kristian Lütken, Chairman of Europabevægelsen: Welcome on behalf of Europabevægelsen

13:10-13:30 Michael Aastrup Jensen, MP, The Danish Liberal Party, Chairman of the Foreign Policy Board in the Danish Parliament, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Former Chairman of the Danish Delegation, and Special Rapporteur for Georgia, our host in the Parliament: Georgia’s difficult road to Europa: Historic overview, past, present and future. What can Denmark do for supporting the Georgian peoples European aspirations and what do we expect from Georgia on its path to EU membership.

13:30-13:50 Per Haugaard, Chief of the representation of the European Commission in Denmark: What was the background for the European Commission to recommend giving Georgia candidate status; from now on, what will the steps be to full membership; what will be the biggest hurdles in this long process; what can the Georgian Government, the Georgian politicians and the Georgian people do for supporting this process; what can Denmark and the Danish members of the European Parliament do for supporting Georgia in this process.

13.50-14:10 Natela Menabde, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Kingdom of Denmark and Iceland: What are the visions and plans of Georgia for fulfilling the country’s long-term ambition from candidate status to the full EU membership. How Georgia undertakes further reforms to implement recommendations of the EU.

14:10-14:40 Discussion and Q&A.

14:40-15:10 Break, coffee/tea and cake will be served.

15:10-15:30 Tom Trier, Political Adviser to the EUSR for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, European External Action Service: Georgia and the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region / South Ossetia – EU perspectives.

15:30-15:50 Eka Gigauri, Executive Director, Transparency International Georgia: How can Georgia progress further on its fight against corruption and for an open, legal based economy as necessary for EU membership.

15:50-16:10 Nino Evgenidze, Executive Director, Economic Policy Research Centre: What will the fulfillment of Georgia’s European ambitions mean for the Georgian economy, EU-accession as a topic of political discussion in Georgia.

16:10-16:40. Discussion and Q&A.

16:40-17:00 Karsten Fledelius, Former Chairperson of The Danish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights: Conclusions and final remarks.


Due to the security regulations in the Parliament, registration is mandatory. Registration deadline is 25 February at The Helsinki Committees’ website. Arrival for the conference not later than 12:30 for security control and registration.

For those arriving by car, we recommend parking at Blox Parkering on Vester Voldgade 129, 1552 København.


28. februar 2024
13.00 - 17.00 CET
Begivenhed Kategorier:
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Copenhagen K, 1240 Danmark
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