Webinar – Borgerkrigen i Myanmar

Det er tre år siden, at militærkuppet i Myanmar fandt sted, og i den anledning inviterer Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab til et webinar om den seneste udvikling i landet. Da det burmesiske militær, Tatmadaw, den 1. februar 2021 ved et kup fjernede den demokratisk valgte regering ledet af Aung San Suu Read more…

Report Summary: The EU’s Civilian Headquarters: Inside the control room of civilian crisis management

  The EU’s Civilian Headquarters: Inside the control room of civilian crisis management Edited by Giovanni Faleg With contributions from Elisabetta Bellocchi, Carina Böttcher, Torsten M. Hoffman, Ana E. Juncos, Birgit Loeser, Francisco Esteban Pérez, Tobias Pietz, Nicoletta Pirozzi, Mohamad Tabit Established in 2007, the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability Read more…

Report Summary: International Humanitarian Law and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

  International Humanitarian Law and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems: Legal Considerations for Acquisition and Procurement By Lena Trabucco The report details the legal challenges for Danish acquisition and procurement stakeholders in the context of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS). Because of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its Read more…


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