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Georgia on the Path to the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities

Fællessalen Christiansborg, Copenhagen K, Danmark

Georgia, in recognition of its successful reforms over the last decades was granted a long awaited  EU candidate status in December 2023.  The support of the Georgian population for the country's desired EU membership is higher than in any EU member state or candidate country – it amounts to 90%. Read more…

The Western Balkans and the EU: Challenges and Opportunities

Fællessalen Christiansborg, Copenhagen K, Danmark

In cooperation with the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG), the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and three key Danish political parties, the Social Democrats, the Liberal Party, and the Green Left, jointly invite to a debate about the recent developments and the present challenges in the relationship Read more…

Conference on the 30th anniversary of the dissolution of the Soviet Union

Fællessalen Christiansborg, Copenhagen K, Danmark

  The dissolution of the Soviet Union took place with the failed coup against Gorbachev in August 1991 and was executed at a meeting between Russia’s future president Yeltsin, Ukraine’s president Kravchuk and Belarus’ president Shushkevich in the Belavejsky Forest on December 8, 1991. On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Read more…

Tale ved en af USA’s mest indflydelsesrige politikere og flertalsleder i den amerikanske kongres, Steny Hoyer

Fællessalen Christiansborg, Copenhagen K, Danmark

Steny Hoyer har gennem en menneskealder været en af de mest indflydelsesrige demokrater i Kongressen. I dag er han den næsthøjeste rangerende demokrat i Kongressen, efter Nancy Pelosi med stor indflydelse på såvel udenrigs- som indenrigspolitik. Han er en nær ven af præsident Biden, med hvem han har arbejdet tæt Read more…