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Two Years of Russia’s War of Aggression: Being Neighbor to Russia

26. februar 2024 kl. 17.00 - 19.00 CET

There are some dates that will go down in history forever: February 24th 2022, the date of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marked an end to peace between Russia and Europe.

This date also marked the return of fascism in Europe in the form of Russian nationalism. However, February 24th 2022 also marked the emergence of patriotism in the form of the will of the Ukrainian people to fight for their existence against Russian fascism. In the past two years, the Ukrainians have drawn deeply on their human resources, as a tribute to life, to freedom, to the values of democracy, to the EU and not least to an independent Ukraine. The 24th of February saw the full display of Russia’s imperial ambitions, as expected by all the states that were once part of the Russian Empire and today neigbouring Russia.

In light of this reality we hereby invite you to a demarcation of the second year of the Russian full blown invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine at the Ukraine House in Denmark.

Opening remarks by Nataliya Popovich, director of Ukraine House

Key note: Andrii Yanevskyi, ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine

Moderated by Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, director of The Danish Foreign Policy Society


Vakhtang Kebuladze, Philosopher

Eka Gigauri, executive director of Transparency International Georgia

Simas Celutka, assistant professor, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University

Registration through this link.


26. februar 2024
17.00 - 19.00 CET
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Ukraine House in Denmark
Strandgade 27B
København K, 1401 Danmark
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