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Strategic equilibrium in the Indo-Pacific: a view from Australia

26. juni 2023 kl. 16.00 - 17.30 CEST

As Europe finds itself at the front line of strategic struggle, geopolitical storm clouds are gathering in the Indo-Pacific region as well. Beneath the obvious dangers of US-China rivalry, the region is experiencing a wider set of tensions, as many nations seek ways to limit China’s coercive influence short of capitulation or conflict. Australia has a distinct vantage point, informed by its deep connections to the region and the world, its democratic character, and its own difficult relations with China in recent years.

We are happy to invite you to an event in cooperation with Asia House and The Embassy of Australia. In this presentation, Australian strategist Professor Rory Medcalf offers some insights on links and parallels between the European and Indo-Pacific strategic theatres, and the way in which the Australian Government is pursuing a policy of ‘strategic equilibrium’ to manage the risks in its contested region.

Opening remarks by Ambassador Michael Zilmer-Johns

Professor Rory Medcalf AM is Head of the National Security College at the Australian National University. His career spans diplomacy, academia, intelligence analysis, journalism and think tanks, including with the Lowy Institute. Professor Medcalf was a senior strategic analyst with the Office of National Assessments, Australia’s peak intelligence agency, and a diplomat with service in India, Japan and Papua New Guinea. He has played a lead role in Australia’s informal diplomacy with India and a range of other countries. Professor Medcalf is recognised globally as a thought leader on the Indo-Pacific strategic concept, as articulated in his book Contest for the Indo-Pacific (published internationally as Indo-Pacific Empire). In June 2022 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to international relations and tertiary education.



We look forward to seeing you at the talk.



26. juni 2023
16.00 - 17.30 CEST
Begivenhed Kategorier:
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Asia House
Indiakaj 16
København Ø, 2100
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