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Putin in times of pandemic

23. april 2020 kl. 17.00 - 18.00 CEST

This event will be in English

Only a month ago, Russian president Vladimir Putin made headlines across the world with his constitutional changes opening possibilities for him to hold office for another 16 years. Then the covid19-crisis hit, challenging what could look like Putin’s lifetime presidency in Russia.

With a real crisis that cannot be framed as interference of “foreign agents'”, the faults in Putin’s system are exposed. Experts agree that the total healthcare capacity in the Russian Federation is enough to get through 2 to 3 months of epidemic. With rapidly growing official Covid-numbers and a massive unknown of infected citizens, it will be hard for the Russian president to distract his people with propaganda about NATO and “Ukrainian fascists”. Although Putin is known as a tough leader, the state is too corrupted to control people with the same firmness as communist China. This crisis will – if not break the regime – certainly shake the foundations under the authoritarian Russian president.

Political commentator for Deutsche Welle and the online platform Konstantin Eggert will join us in this webinar about Putin in times of pandemic. Director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society Charlotte Flindt Pedersen will host the event.

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23. april 2020
17.00 - 18.00 CEST
Begivenhed Kategorier:


Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab


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