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Panel on displacement and climate migration
23. oktober 2019 kl. 16.00 - 17.30 CEST

The climate is and will continue to be under pressure. More and more people experience how climate changes affect their livelihoods, eventually forcing them to move.
Climate change can provoke conflict and challenge both national and international structures. Yet, there is no legal term for those displaced due to climate changes, as international conventions do not classify them as refugees.
How do we define climate displacement? From where do people flee? What happens to the societies that they left? Which legal protection can they claim, and which actors are to be held responsible?
Our panel consists of:
John Christensen (Director of UNEP DTU Partnership),
Lily Salloum Lindegaard (Researcher in Natural Resources and Development, DIIS),
Miriam Cullen (Ass. Professor of Climate and Migration Law, KU)
They will present each of their specialist views on how these questions can be addressed.
Christian Friis Bach (Former minister of development, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and former head of Danish Refugee Council) will moderate the debate.
There will be time for questions from the audience and the event will be in English.
This event is free for members. Get your membership by sending your contact information to medlem@2024.udenrigspolitik.dk.
For non-members, participation fee is 100 DKK.
Payment methods:
- MobilePay to 69 356 with the note “Climate + PARTICIPANT’S FULL NAME”
- Transfer to bank account 1551 6467792 with the note “Climate + PARTICIPANT’S FULL NAME”
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