Kom med, når vi i U35 afholder en torsdagsbar i Kinanørderiets tegn. Drik en øl eller sodavand, imens du bliver klogere på Kina. Vi har inviteret de to Kinanørder, Mads Vesterager Nielsen og Casper Wichmann. De vil først tale om de store linjer og trends i Kina i disse år. Read more…
The Danish Foreign Policy Society and The Danish Institute for Human Rights hereby invite to a research and policy seminar on the current state of human rights diplomacy. We are pleased to host a delegation from Chatham House, a renowned London-based foreign policy think tank. They have recently published an Read more…
As Europe finds itself at the front line of strategic struggle, geopolitical storm clouds are gathering in the Indo-Pacific region as well. Beneath the obvious dangers of US-China rivalry, the region is experiencing a wider set of tensions, as many nations seek ways to limit China’s coercive influence short of Read more…