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8. april 2021 kl. 16.00 - 17.30 CEST

Climate change is one of the most significant threats that Humankind faces today. Only through a global and coordinated response can we adequately react to a crisis of this magnitude, which must be anchored in a strategic dialogue between all partners, inter alia governments, international organisations, financial institutions, the private sector and civil society.

Joint efforts in building sustainable and green recoveries through low-carbon and resilient paths are critical, unveiling the urgency of the Green Transition both in Europe and in Africa, a continent which is disproportionately vulnerable to the impact of climate change. While it is not a simple task, it is one worth undertaking.

Concerted action and coherent policy for sustainable development are critical pillars in line with innovative financing tools and resources designed to promote a more sustainable, resilient and inclusive global economy. A greener economy will also translate into more jobs and wealth on the African continent.

The Green Talk aims to give an overview of the  perspective and role of individual Member States, the European Union, representatives of the African continent, development institutions and finance and investment institutions.

The event is organized jointly by the Embassy of Portugal in Copenhagen, representing the Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the Danish Foreign Policy Society.


  • Secretary of State for Environment of Portugal, Ms. Inês dos Santos Costa
  • Managing Director for Africa of the EEAS, Ms. Rita Laranjinha
  • Danish Climate Ambassador, Mr. Tomas Anker Christensen
  • Ambassador to Denmark, Ms. Khadija Rouissi, Morocco
  • Vice President of European Investment Bank, Mr. Christian Kettel Thomsen

The event will be moderated by Director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Charlotte Flindt Pedersen.



Our webinars are free for members of The Danish Foreign Policy Society. A registration link has been sent to all our members.
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8. april 2021
16.00 - 17.30 CEST


Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab
Embassy of Portugal in Copenhagen


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