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FOLKEMØDE: Youth Parties on the War in Ukraine: What’s at stake?
18. juni 2022 kl. 14.10 - 14.50 CEST

Join us when DUS U35 invites to the Youth Foreign Policy Summit, where we are going to discuss the war in Europe with representatives from the Danish youth parties! |
DUS U35 invites you to the Youth Foreign Policy Summit, where we are going to discuss current challenges to foreign policy with the youth parties! February 24, Europe and the world changed dramatically when Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Faced with the cold reality of what the invasion means, not only for Ukraine, but also for the European security architecture and the right to choose one’s own alliances, along with the return of aggressive revanchism – in light of all this, where does Danish foreign and security policy stand?
How does the war in Ukraine, changes in the political landscape in the US, a rising China and the worrying autocratization of nation states in the world affect the youth political parties’ views on future Danish and European foreign and security policy, including views on defense? What should we do wisely, with whom – and at what cost?
Mathies Duch Gronemann, DUS U35 (moderator)
Jonas Pullich, Spokesperson on Foreign Policy and defense, VU
Mads Hvidbjerg, International Secretary, DSU
Anne Jensdatter, Spokesperson on Economic and Business Affairs, RU
Christian Vigilius, Chairperson, KU
Rebecca Knirke, Professional Committee, Rød-Grøn Ungdom