Counterterrorism, Rules of Engagement and International Order in a UN Context

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This publication is a product of the joint conference on counterterrorism, rules of engagement and international order in a UN context, held by the Academy of Military Science (AMS), the Royal Danish Defence College (RDDC) and the Danish Foreign Policy Society. The conference was the third joint AMS-RDDC conference and took place on 12 December 2017 at Svanemøllens Barracks. The publication is edited by Liselotte Odgaard, Associate Professor at the Institute for Military History and War Studies at RDDC, and Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, Director at the Danish Foreign Policy Society.

The publication offers unique insights into Chinese and Danish views on counterterrorist operations, rules of engagement and international order, exploring the extent to which the UN will provide platforms for common action in these areas in the future. 

The publication includes the following contributions:

  • ‘Preface’ by Liselotte Odgaard
  • ‘Introductory remarks’ by Rear Admiral Niels Wang
  • ‘Introductory remarks’ by Major General Wang Weixing
  • ‘Can UN troops operate in areas with a high level of terrorist threats?’ by Lieutenant General Michael Lollesgaard
  • ‘Why Chinas adopts a defensive defence policy?’ by Major General Wang Weixing
  • ‘Code for Unplanned Encounters in the South China Sea – A useful de-escalation instrument in the Baltic Sea’ by Commander Sune Lund and Associate Professor Liselotte Odgaard
  • ‘Security challenges and countermeasures of the Asia-Pacific Region’ by Sr. Colonel Wang Yisheng
  • ‘Identities and the legitimization of the use of force’ by Major Martin Walldén Jespersen
  • ‘Reflections on the challenges of international terrorism governance’ by Colonel Yan Wenhu
  • ‘Tactical Intelligence and the UN counterterrorism strategy in the Sahel’ by Major Casper Emil Holland
  • ‘Chinese military participation in the UNPKO: Prospects and challenges’ by Colonel Jiao Liang
  • Author biographies 


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