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Arctic Perspectives: Harnessing Science & Innovation for Sustainable and Equitable Arctic Development

24. september 2024 kl. 16.00 - 18.00 CEST

Arctic Perspectives is a series of four events aimed at the in-depth exploration of critical Arctic issues through thoughtful, expert-led conversations. These events are organized in partnership between the Embassy of Canada to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Danish Foreign Policy Society.

For the third session, we have teamed up with Copenhagen Business School and invite you to join us for an insightful discussion moderated by Danish journalist Martin Breum. This session will explore the transformative power of science and innovation in driving sustainable and equitable economic growth in the Arctic.

We will examine how groundbreaking projects are not only benefiting local communities but also addressing global challenges such as climate change and food security. Scaling these innovations requires robust investments and enhanced infrastructure, and our panel will explore ways to attract investments to the Arctic and grow the business environment. The discussion will also address the complex issues surrounding economic growth in the Arctic and how to ensure these activities foster equitable development for local communities.

Featured Speakers:

Welcome by Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of Denmark, Carolyn Bennett

Dorte Salskov-Iversen, Head of the Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School

Kalistat Lund, Minister for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment, Government of Greenland (virtual)

Clint Davis, CEO North35, financing expert and investment dealer (virtual)

Karin Buhmann, Professor, Dr. scient.adm & Ph.D., Department of Management, Society and Communication, Centre for Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School

Mads Qvist Frederiksen, Executive Director, Arctic Economic Council

Nauja Bianco, Owner and Director, Isuma Consulting

RSVP: To confirm your attendance, please fill out the registration form below. Kindly respond by Friday, September 20, to secure your participation (space is limited).

Doors open at 15:30 for coffee and registration.

After the conference, there will be a networking reception with wine and snacks.

We look forward to your participation in this Arctic Perspectives event.

[RM_Form id=’371′]

Click here to sign up for the livestream


24. september 2024
16.00 - 18.00 CEST


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