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Virtuelt Morning Brief: Forsvarsforbeholdet


Som del af det nationale kompromis om dansk sikkerhedspolitik skal danskerne den 1. juni 2022  til stemmeurnerne. Aftalepartierne er enige om, at de grundlæggende ændringer af den sikkerhedspolitiske situation i Europa og et nyt normalbillede stiller nye krav til Danmarks engagement i udviklingen af den europæiske forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitik. På Read more…

Voices from Ukraine


In 2013-2014, the Euromaidan uprising was not only a momentous historical event in terms of the foreign policy direction of Ukraine, but also a profoundly democratic one, with the protesters embracing a concept of citizenship involving individual responsibility to uphold democratic values and to serve the larger community. 8 years Read more…

The Dynamics of a Changing Arctic


LIVESTREAMING: Great Powers, Economic Actors, and the Environment on the Move: The Dynamics of a Changing Arctic           The Arctic has become a hub for complex great power dynamics, new economic opportunities and challenges, and climate change which challenges the physical geography and living conditions of Read more…



100 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Denmark and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Friday 4 June 2021 from 10:00 - 17:00 LIVE STREAMING FROM EIGTVEDS PAKHUS     On the occasion of 100 years of diplomatic relations between Denmark and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the Danish Foreign Policy Society together with Read more…


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