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Stephen Walt: “Why Is It Useful to Think Like a Realist?”
8. november 2019 kl. 13.00 - 15.00 CET

Er politik med rod i realisme nøglen til en mere fredelig verden? Det mener den verdenskendte professor i international politik Stephen Walt.
Institut for Statskundskab vil i samarbejde med GloPol og Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab Aarhus invitere til et enestående foredrag med Harvard-professoren den 8. november. Stephen Walt gæster Aarhus Universitet til en snak om en verden i opbrud og forandring under titlen “Why Is It Useful to Think Like a Realist?”.
Stephen Walt er mest kendt for sine teorier om magtbalancering i en anarkistisk verden, som også er pensum verden over.
Hvorfor er realisme så vigtigt ifølge Walt? Han mener, realisme ofte bliver ignoreret når USA og store dele af Europa fastlægger deres politiske dagsordener:
‘“Thinking like a realist” makes it easier to understand many contemporary international problems and to identify solutions to them. Ironically, it is those who reject realism who cause most of the trouble in the world today.’
14:15-14:20: Velkomst ved Rasmus Brun Pedersen, lektor i international politik ved Aarhus Universitet
14:20-15:00: “Why Is It Useful to Think Like a Realist” ved Stephen Walt
15:00-16:00: Q&A
16:00: Tak for i dag
Arrangementet finder sted ved Per Kirkeby-auditoriet (1250-304), Søauditorierne ved Aarhus Universitet på Bartholins Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus.
Arrangementet foregår på engelsk.
Tilmelding er obligatorisk og foregår via dette link
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Are politics based on realism the key to a more peaceful world? Yes, according to the world famous professor in international politics Stephen Walt.
Department for Political Science at Aarhus University in cooperation with GloPol and The Foreign Policy Society Aarhus (DUS) is delighted to invite you to a unique lecture by the Havard-professor on November 8th. Stephen Walt visits Aarhus University to talk about a changing world with his lecture entitled “Why Is It Useful to Think Like a Realist?”
Realism is a venerable tradition in the study of international affairs, but scholars and policy-makers in many countries—including the United States and much of Europe—often ignore or reject realism’s insights.
But why is realism so important, according to Walt? ‘“Thinking like a realist” makes it easier to understand many contemporary international problems and to identify solutions to them. Ironically, it is those who reject realism who cause most of the trouble in the world today.’
14:15-14:20: Welcome by Rasmus Brun Pedersen, associate professor International Politics at Aarhus University
14:20-15:00: Lecture by Stephen Walt “Why Is It Useful to Think Like a Realist”
15:00-16:00: Q&A
16:00: Thanks for now!
The event takes place at the Per Kirkeby Auditorium (1250-304), Søauditorierne on Aarhus University at Bartholins Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus.
The event is in English.
Registration is obligatory through this link.
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