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Russia in the Arctic
5. november 2019 kl. 16.00 - 17.30 CET

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Denmark and former Arctic Ambassador H. E. Mr. Vladimir Barbin will visit The Danish Foreign Policy Society to give an overview on Russia’s Arctic policy.
The Arctic region has become an important strategic area to several countries in regards to both security and foreign policy, and Russia has as other Arctic countries strong interests in asserting its position in the region.
Martin Breum, Danish freelance journalist and author, who has followed the developments in the Arctic and The unity of the Realm’s role herein, will moderate the discussion. There will be time for questions after Ambassador Barbin’s presentation.
The event will be held in English.
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For non-members, participation fee is 100 DKK.
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- MobilePay to 69 356 with the note “Arctic + PARTICIPANT’S FULL NAME”
- Transfer to bank account 1551 6467792 with the note “Arctic + PARTICIPANT’S FULL NAME”
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