European integration has been driven by the quest for peace. The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks a turning point. With the war raging at EU borders and the threat from Russia and the increasing competition with China, the answer to everything seems to be militarization. Can the EU maintain its Read more…
I samarbejde med den amerikanske ambassades ungeråd afholder vi en panelsamtale med Sten Ryning, Michael Zilmer-Johns og en amerikansk diplomat i anledning af at NATO fylder 75. Der vil være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål. Læs mere i nedenstående: 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the NATO alliance. Since its Read more…
After more than two and a half years in Ukraine, it is time to take stock. Russia's all-out war against Ukraine has so far been marked by Russian failures and massive military losses. In particular, the Russian army has proved far less reformed and professionalised than most Western analysts and Read more…
I samarbejde med den amerikanske ambassade og International Debat er du inviteret til et arrangement med oplægsholder Dr. Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, som er ekspert i valgprocesser i USA. Hun var den første afroamerikanske kvinde, der blev valgt som formand for organisationen The League of Women Voters, og er nu professionelt bestyrelsesmedlem Read more…