Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab har fornøjelsen af at indbyde til et møde med tidligere ambassadør Rolf Nikel, næstformand i Det Tyske Udenrigspolitiske Selskab (DGAP). Rolf Nikel er tidligere tysk ambassadør i Warszawa og har skrevet en meget rost bog om forholdet mellem Polen og Tyskland: Feinde, Fremde Freunde – Polen und […]
Belarus Research Network for Neighbourhood Policy is organising a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the current security situation in the Baltic Sea Region and its implications for Nordic-Baltics states. Six scholars in the field of social sciences and humanities will share their views on the past, present and future relations […]
The international system, international organizations, and the rule and values-based world order have survived in spite of historical earthquakes and changes. In addition to the threat to Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty, Russia's war in Ukraine is also a war against the rules-based world order. We are also witnessing in this Read more…
On the 24th of February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, and a full-blown war began. To this day, there is no peace, and sadly, there is no prospect of peace. More than a year later, the question remains: How much longer can Putin keep this going? Putin has much to lose Read more…