Eastern Europe
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Belarus Does Not Exist
Sønder Campus Room 15a.0.13. Njalsgade 80, København SBelarus Research Network for Neighbourhood Policy is organising a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the current security situation in the Baltic Sea Region and its implications for Nordic-Baltics states. Six scholars in the field of social sciences and humanities will share their views on the past, present and future relations Read more…
Polen og Tyskland og den fremtidige europæiske sikkerhedsarkitektur
CSS 35.01.06 Gammeltoftsgade 13, CSS 35.01.06, København KDet Udenrigspolitiske Selskab har fornøjelsen af at indbyde til et møde med tidligere ambassadør Rolf Nikel, næstformand i Det Tyske Udenrigspolitiske Selskab (DGAP). Rolf Nikel er tidligere tysk ambassadør i Warszawa og har skrevet en meget rost bog om forholdet mellem Polen og Tyskland: Feinde, Fremde Freunde – Polen und Read more…
Quo Vadis, Belarus? Three years after the 2020 August popular protests in Belarus
Online on ZoomSince the August 2020 protests which marked the bloodiest chapter of Belarusian history since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the geopolitical landscape of Europe has drastically changed. Now, Belarus is viewed by the West as a military district of Russia, not a sovereign state. To represent the Belarusian resistance Read more…