Seneste afsluttede Begivenheder

Valg i Georgien – er landets demokratiske fremtid på spil?

Den 26. oktober står Georgien over for et afgørende valg, hvor borgerne skal vælge deres nye parlament. Valget er ikke kun vigtigt for Georgien, men også for Vesten. Den nuværende regering, som i stigende grad bevæger sig mod en autoritær styreform, har skabt bekymring både internt og eksternt ved at Read more…

Seminar: The role of Belarus in the Ukraine war

Forsvarsakademiet Building 118 Ryvangs Allé 1, København Ø

Belarus Research Network on Neighborhood Policy, in cooperation with The Danish Society for Military Science, is pleased to invite you to a seminar on the role of Belarus in Russia’s war in Ukraine. As Belarus has allowed Russian missile launchers to be stationed on its territory and shoot at Ukrainian Read more…

The War in Ukraine and Russia

Online on Zoom

While much of the world's attention has been focused on the United States over the summer, the war between Russia and Ukraine continues unabated. In early August, the Ukrainians launched a daring incursion into the Russian frontier regions Kursk and Belgorod, while Russian forces continue to occupy more and more Read more…


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