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Germany at the helm of Europe

18. juni 2020 kl. 15.30 - 17.30 CEST

How can the German EU presidency get Europe back on track post COVID-19? 

In the second half of 2020, Germany takes over the EU presidency. The upcoming EU presidency was from the outset expected to be challenging in relation to negotiating solutions and compromises on the external borders and immigration along with the EU 7Y budget and the ongoing negotiations with the UK on the future relationship after BREXIT. However, on top of this comes the COVID-19 pandemic.

So how will the German EU presidency support a good path towards recovery of the EU? One element is the financial situation, another is how to implement the EU goals on digitalization and the Green Deal, a third is how to restore the backbone of the EU’s internal market, having seen a wide range of national initiatives resulting in closed borders and a negative impact on labour mobility, when introducing different quarantine systems. And last but not least, how should the EU react to the violations in the name of Corona?

The Danish Foreign Policy Society, Dansk Byggeri, Dansk Industri and Think Tank Europa have joined forces to take the debate on the German EU-presidency with: 

  • Jana Puglierin, Head of European Council on Foreign Relations Berlin (ECFR) 
  • Detlev Rünger, German Ambassador to Denmark
  • Dieter Babiel, Managing Director, German Construction Industry 
  • Heiko Willems, Director, The German Business Representation EU 

Lykke Friis, director of the Think Tank Europa and former minister, will be moderating the event. 


**Members of The Danish Foreign Policy Society have received the invitation. To become a member, please sign up. **


18. juni 2020
15.30 - 17.30 CEST
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