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FOLKEMØDE: Breaking the Digital Iron Curtain

17. juni 2022 kl. 10.30 - 11.15 CEST

What can democracies do to counter disinformation in authoritarian regimes?

Since the dawn of the Digital Era, a “Digital Iron Curtain” has gradually been pulled down over many authoritarian regimes, blocking access to outside information and limiting the possibilities for dissent and opposition. Recent examples from Russia show that traditional media such as television is a key factor in shaping public opinion in authoritarian regimes, and watching the news can be like entering a parallel universe where even the word ‘war’ is forbidden.

Still, the internet plays a crucial role for large parts of the population as well as for those in the political opposition and in civil society who are familiar with the means of filter circumvention. What if democracies could help create an alternative to the propaganda present in online broadcasting in authoritarian regimes?

The purpose of the debate is to discuss the online and offline media tactics of autocracies – and whether democracies have an obligation to inform and counter the disinformation in authoritarian regimes.

Participants in the debate:

Matilde Kimer, Foreign Correspondent in Russia and Ukraine The Danish Broadcasting Corporation.
Valentyna Shapovalova, PhD fellow, examining Russian media and propaganda Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen.
Roman Anin, Russian Investigative Journalist, Founder of IStories.
Leonid Khmelnitski, Digital Strategist, Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies

Moderator: Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, Director of The Danish Foreign Policy Society.


17. juni 2022
10.30 - 11.15 CEST
Begivenhed Kategori:


Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab


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