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Aarhus: Is Poland on collision course with EU?
13. november 2017 kl. 15.00 - 17.00 CET

with Piotr Buras, director of ECFRs Warsaw office
On 25 October 2015, Polish politics was well and truly turned on its head. After years of liberalism and increased European integration, the nationalist-populist Law and Justice party (PiS) was elected with a majority in both the upper and lower houses of parliament.
In less than two years the policies of PiS have transformed Polish politics and the Polish state. The political changes may have profound implications not only for the country’s domestic situation but also for its relations with European partners and European Union institutions.
Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society, will be the moderator.
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The meeting is a collaboration between the Danish Foreign Policy Society and University of Aarhus.