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US Foreign Policy: A conversation with U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands
28. april 2020 kl. 17.00 - 18.00 CEST
This event will be in English
The Danish Foreign Policy Society invites you for an online afternoon conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to Denmark Carla Sands. The conversation will be moderated by Philip Chr. Ulrich, foreign policy editor at Kongressen.com.
U.S. foreign policy is changing in these years under the slogan of “America First”. But what does that mean? What has led to such a change? This afternoon we will look at the latest developments in American foreign policy and international relations, and what role there is for America’s allies like Denmark?
Participation link is sent to all our members.
This is a members only-event. Do you want to become a member and participate? Write us on medlem@2024.udenrigspolitik.dk and give your name and contact information, so you can join us.