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Professor Miklós Haraszti: The Hungarian Election

Auditorium 35.01.44, CSS, University of Copenhagen Gammeltoftsgade 13, København K

We are proud to present Professor Miklós Haraszti, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus and Fellow of Central European University’s Center for European Neighborhood Studies, who will enlighten us on the current political situation in Hungary. After Professor Haraszti's talk, there will be time for a Q&A. 

Digital Media Tactics of Autocracies

Store Sal, Vartov Farvergade 27, København K

The Danish Foreign Policy Society, Freedom House and International Media Support will host the international conference Digital Media Tactics of Autocracies this November in Copenhagen. Two decades ago, digital media was hailed as a pathway to freedom, knowledge and democracy. When the world’s citizens would be free to connect and Read more…


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