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Folkemøde på Bornholm: Democracy under pressure
19. juni 2021 kl. 11.15 - 12.00 CEST

While the Danish Democracy Festival (Folkemødet) focuses on and celebrates the democratic values of dialogue, pluralism, and peaceful exchange of different opinions, countries and populations suffer from exercising regular democratic rights of expression.
People are denied basic rights as citizens, harassed, persecuted and in some instances attacked and killed. Democracy is not a given and cannot be taken for granted. In Belarus, Syria and Myanmar people’s rights are being violated every day and civilians are losing their freedom and lives while fighting for democracy.
The Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD) hereby presents the opportunity for the Danish audience to hear from leading democracy voices from Belarus, Syria, and Myanmar in their struggle for freedom and democracy.
We are honored to have the Leader of the Democratic Belarus, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya speaking together with founding member of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement, Mariam Jalabi and Executive Director of the Myanmar Institute for Peace and Security.
Min Zaw Oo sharing their views and opinions on what is needed to support the way towards democracy in their countries and what a country like Denmark can do to bring hope to the millions of people hoping and waiting for democracy grow and develop.
The session is moderated by our director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Charlotte Flindt Petersen and will be live streamed.