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Er Arktis + Kina opskriften på et højspændingsområde?

3. juni 2019 kl. 16.00 - 18.00 CEST

The Arctic “has become a region for power and competition
“There are only Arctic States and Non-Arctic States. No third category exists, and claiming otherwise entitles China to exactly nothing”.

Mike Pompeo at The Arctic Counsil Summit, Finland, May 2019

As these extracts from the speech by the U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo at the Arctic Council meeting in Finland in early May 2019 underline, the overall intensifying great power rivalry between the U.S. and China has now also spread to the Arctic. The so-called “Arctic exceptionalism” – i.e. the Arctic as a low-tension region, where the great powers, despite conflicts in other regions, continue to cooperate and not rely on political and military coercion and threats to solve their disagreements – is under pressure. What are the drivers and implications? How is such development assessed in China? What strategic options exist for the Arctic small states and specifically for Denmark?

The Danish Foreign Policy Society, The Danish Society for Military Science and The Royal Danish Defense College are pleased to invite you to a seminar on geopolitics in the Arctic and China’s Arctic strategy. Two brief presentations are followed by Q&A and open debate circling around the
questions above. The meeting will be moderated by journalist and specialist in political relations in the Arctic, Martin Breum.

Intensifying great power politics in the Arctic – drivers and implications? with Associate Professor Camilla T. N. Sørensen, Royal Danish Defence College
China’s Arctic Policy and Polar Silk Road: reflection, challenges and opportunities, with Col. ZHANG Guifen, Academy of Military Science (AMS)

Please register for the event using the form below.

We look forward to see you!

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3. juni 2019
16.00 - 18.00 CEST


Royal Danish Defense College, Building 118
Ryvangs Allé 1
København Ø, 2100 Danmark
+ Google Maps


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